Legal English Course
English School Turin
Oversea is an English school operating in Turin since 1990. The first courses dedicated to the Police Forces, for example, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza, were just the beginning of a working path towards specialised training of foreign languages for professionals becoming an English school in Turin for Legal English courses, for accountants or more generally for the world of work. Among its services are also translation and subtitling.

Specialists in English courses in Turin
Oversea is not only specialised in Legal English courses in Turin, but also in foreign languages such as French, Spanish or German. Whatever the language, courses have always been planned using tools and resources that allow its students to achieve one great goal: excellence.
What drives us is a strong passion for our work and being a team that is always attentive to the needs of companies of all sizes, thus always providing customised solutions.
We like to call ourselves the “tailors of training” because courses are always customised to follow the actual needs of each participant.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu

About Patrizia Canepa, mind and heart of Oversea
Patrizia Canepa, CEO of Oversea, has always been the leader of the most specialized English school in Turin for more than thirty years. Bilingual and with a degree in German from the University of Turin, she began her career teaching languages at the Istituto Mazzantini in Turin.
In the 1990s, her dynamic and always goal-oriented personality guided her through a turn in her career, becoming an entrepreneur. Thus Oversea was born. In those years, she developed solid partnerships with the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza for military training. In addition, paths and opportunities at prestigious companies such as, for example, Ferrero, Valeo and Eaton were activated.
The changing times are a wonderful opportunity for someone who is always looking for innovative and up-to-date solutions. For this reason, she enthusiastically welcomes the collaborations with the Orders of Lawyers and Accountants that have given rise to the consolidated and effective webinar courses for Oversea professionals.

What people say about her
“Alongside the Professional, it is always a pleasure to deal with the Person, always transparent and with so much positive energy to charge her whole team!“
“Reliability, constant search for quality and customisation of the service to the client’s specific needs are values that she has been able to pass on to her team, succeeding in transforming her personal mission into a corporate mission“
“[…] in front of everything, every contract and professional obligation, there is a great “will to do well”, with a lot of respect for the work of others […]”
Ielts preparation in Turin
Our IELTS preparation method is just one example of a way of conceiving teaching in all Oversea courses.
We aim to facilitate the learning process in English, French, Spanish, and German. Where do we stand out? Legal English courses.
It is possible thanks to the criteria Oversea has applied since its foundation and which are still considered revolutionary in language teaching.
The training offered is “tailor-made“, i.e. tailored to the requirements of professionals who want an individual business course or an intensive personal growth seminar.
A careful analysis of language needs, known as a “Customers’ Need Analysis“, is the first step in the training programme, followed by an Entrance Test to place participants within the European Reference Framework. It is our yardstick for taking your measurements.
We then go on designing the course: we like to be effective consultants for our clients, suggesting both the course duration (according to their objectives) and the course material.
A strong point of the Oversea English school is to create personalised teaching material, which allows the learning of specific vocabulary and guides the simulation in the classroom of real-life situations to be ready for any occasion.
Professionals are the core of the Oversea method, the real protagonists of each foreign language course where we work to develop all the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and oral production) in a uniform and parallel way.
Professional language training also means that teachers are real professionals.
Our teachers are carefully selected and not only in and around the city of Turin: in addition to their teaching competence, which is essential for us and constantly updated internally, the teachers are all empathetic people who love their work. We are proud of this human characteristic because taking care of the participants means making the learning process easy.
Our Clients