Catalogue of e-learning courses updated to 2024 in 24 languages for adults, children and young people.
Options in the catalogue
- General language
- For Juniors
- For children
- For IELTS and First Certificate preparation
- English 4 skills
- Grammar
- Vocabulary and listening
- Transversal skills
Training courses Turin 2024
For your training courses in Turin and at a distance, Oversea has an e-learning catalogue that responds to the main study needs of 24 languages between European and non-European. If, for example, you want to study Spanish as an autodidact, but with method and following a path of gradual difficulty, you have at your disposal five different courses from the elementary A1 level to the high-intermediate B2 level, among the most demanded by the working world. Click here for business e-learning courses.
Alternatively, you have 1, 3, 6 or 12 month access to the following languages at your disposal:
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- Croatian
- Danish
- Estonian
- Finnish
- French
- Canadian French
- Greek
- North American English
- Italian
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Dutch
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Swedish
- German
- Hungarian
E-learning English courses for all ages
The Lingue Oversea e-learning courses are suitable for learning English at 60 or studying English at 4 years old. The catalogue includes general English courses designed specifically for learning the language from basic to advanced levels. For children and teenagers, the English activities aim to make them learn the language in a natural way by taking advantage of the game mode they are familiar with.
Online Spanish course with certification
In the Oversea catalogue you do not simply find Spanish courses to do online, but tools that allow you to quickly learn and put into practice the vocabulary and grammar contained. At the end of each online Spanish course, you will be able to download a personalised certification to include in your CV.
How to choose e-learning courses for certifications
In order to follow e-learning courses for international certifications effectively, you need to ensure that you have an intermediate level of initial English language proficiency. In the case of the IELTS course, check the score required by the institution or university to which you need to submit your certificate. Did they require a score of 5? It means that a low-intermediate B1 level is sufficient. Did they ask you for a 6 or 6.5 upwards? In this case it is a high-intermediate B2.

- The General English course is available in 8 levels (Elementary A1 to Advanced C2);
- The General English course is available in 2 versions:
- Full Level: consisting of 10 teaching units;
- Half Course: consisting of 5 teaching units;
Each course at each level covers generic topics all contextualised in everyday life to learn vocabulary and expressions ready for use in English.
FULL COURSE COST: € 260.00 € 160.00
HALF COURSE: € 190.00 € 90.00

Per fare un corso IELTS a Torino o un corso di preparazione al First Certificate di Cambridge puoi farlo in sede, ma anche in versione e-learning grazie ai percorsi di Lingue per le certificazioni in inglese.
I corsi in modalità e-learning del catalogo Oversea prevedono diverse opzioni, per diverse esigenze. Vediamo quali:
- preparazione completa IELTS con esercizi su tutte e 4 le competenze (produzione e comprensione orale/scritta) ed esercizi pratici (i cosiddetti past papers) agli esami internazionali di lingua inglese;
- preparazione IELTS Speaking section
- preparazione IELTS Writing section
- preparazione completa First Certificate Cambridge con esercizi su tutte e 4 le competenze (produzione e comprensione orale/scritta) ed esercizi pratici (i cosiddetti past papers) agli esami internazionali di lingua inglese;
COSTI: a partire da € 50,00

Se stai cercando un corso di inglese per migliorare le tue abilità di ascolto, vocabolario, pronuncia, scrittura e conoscenza della grammatica sono disponibili 3 macro livelli (base, intermedio, avanzato).
Se pensi che il tuo inglese sia in generale buono, ma vorresti approfondire e migliorare le singole skills, qui puoi trovare la soluzione ideale.
COSTO: € 156,00 € 56,00

Come supporto ai corsi di lingua inglese che i ragazzi frequentano a scuola, Oversea propone corsi per ragazzi di 14 anni e inglese per bambini elementari.
I corsi e-learning per ragazzi sono divisi per fasce di età: 8-12 anni e 12-14 anni.
Per gli adolescenti dai 12 ai 14 anni sono disponibili 2 versioni:
- A per ragazzi dai 12 ai 13 anni
- B per ragazzi dai 13 ai 14 anni
Dai 15 anni in su sono consigliati i corsi dedicati agli adulti (vedi Lingua Inglese Generale).
COSTO: € 159,00 € 59,00

Uno dei metodi più diffusi per l’insegnamento dell’inglese bambini 3 anni in su è quello di far vedere loro video casuali sul web di cartoni animati in lingua. Se preferisci qualcosa di più strutturato, dai contenuti studiati appositamente per il tuo bambino, Oversea propone percorsi adatti a insegnare inglese ai bambini giocando senza dover possedere competenze da insegnante.
Il miglior corso inglese bambini online è proprio quello che permette di fare attività in modo divertente, che non siano pesanti, ma allo stesso tempo mettano in moto meccanismi tipici di un parlante bilingue. Un bambino che impara l’inglese divertendosi, potrà essere un adulto più sereno nell’uso della lingua in futuro.
COSTO: € 156,00 € 56,00

To learn Spanish online as an autodidact, discover the general Spanish e-learning courses available in 5 levels (from A1 elementary to B2 high-intermediate).
Depending on the time you can dedicate to your training, you can choose between two versions of the courses: the full level (10 units) or the half-course (5 units). General topics contextualised in everyday life to learn ready-to-use vocabulary and expressions in Spanish.
COST Full Level: € 255.00 € 155.00
COST half course: € 185.00 € 85.00

The best Spanish course for perfecting the language is one that allows you to focus on individual skills in order to refine your knowledge and deepen it to a level of autonomy useful for school and the world of work.
If you know the Spanish language very well, but you learned it self-taught and would like to have a more solid training, you can choose between
- two macro levels (basic and intermediate);
- 3 types of courses to practise specific skills such as: grammar, vocabulary and listening
COST: € 156.00 € 56.00
If, in addition to e-learning, you are looking for training live courses, you can visit us at our office in Via Sacchi, 26 in Turin.