Emotional Intelligence Seminar

Emotional Intelligence in Italian and English

The seminar on emotional intelligence lasts 12 hours divided into an 8-hour day and a subsequent 4-hour follow-up day.

Which topics seminar

The first part of the course will be devoted to providing tools on how to manage problems and how to solve them through the development of analysis and reflection skills in order not to leave room for excesses of emotion or elaboration, both of which are distracting and waste energy.

What are the objectives of the Emotional Intelligence seminar?

The objectives of the seminar include the ability to understand, use and manage one’s emotions so that one can reduce stress, communicate effectively, develop empathy when with others, overcome daily challenges and learn how to handle conflict.

The Emotional Intelligence course aims to make participants more aware of their own thoughts, emotions and behaviour that can influence our results at work but also in our personal lives.


  1. Che cosa sono le emozioni: come riconoscerle e come gestirle
  2. Lo stress: come gestirlo sul lavoro e nella vita personale
  3. Come evitare il “burnout”
  4. Le emozioni negative: ansia, paure, panico, stress,
  5. Come sviluppare un mindset di successo
  1. What are emotions: how to recognise and manage them
  2. Stress: how to manage it at work and in your personal life
  3. How to avoid burnout
  4. Negative emotions: anxiety, fear, panic, stress
  5. How to develop a winning mindset

Who can participate

For the seminar in Italian, no entry level skills are required.

A low-intermediate B1 language proficiency level is required for the English version.

A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 participants can take part.

The online version of the seminar takes place on a customised Oversea platform. Detailed reports on seminar attendance can be provided on request.

How much does the Emotional Intelligence seminar cost

The participation fee, for the seminar in Turin or online, is € 719.00/person and includes the Certificate of Participation.