Public Speaking in Turin: online communication seminar
The public speaking seminar focuses on the skills enhancement and lasts 12 hours divided into an 8-hour day and a 4-hour follow-up day.
What are the main topics of the seminar?
The first part of the seminar, having place on Turin or online, is dedicated to providing tools on content management, gestures and the rhythm of an effective presentation. After one week, the individual presentations of students who have put into practice all the tips seen in the first part will be given.
What are the objectives of the seminar?
Among the objectives of the seminar, one of the most important is to give both linguistic and practical tools to the students so that they can conduct the best and most effective presentation of each project and/or presentation to a foreign audience.
Other information about the Public Speaking seminar
A minimum B1/B2 (intermediate) level of initial knowledge of English is required to participate in the seminar to learn the main techniques of speaking in a foreign language.
A minimum of 8 and a maximum of 15 participants may attend.
When conducted online, the seminar is held on the customised platform Oversea . Upon request, detailed reports on seminar attendance can be provided and checks can be made during each session using biometric control.

Public Speaking seminar – Program:
- Planning your Presentation
- Structuring Your Presentation
- Strong Introductions to Your Presentations
- Overcoming Your Presentation Fears
- Overcoming Your Presentation Nerves
- 3 Tips to Reduce Your presentation Jitters
- Managing Your State Through Focus, Body Language & Words
- Tips for Planning a Presentation
- 4 Rules for Eye-Catching Presentations proving Active Listening
How much do the Public Speaking seminar cost?
The participation fee for the seminar, which can take place both at the Oversea offices in Turin and online, is € 288.00/person. Included in the fee is the final Certificate of Participation.